Università degli Studi di Pavia

Facoltà di Ingegneria

Artificial Intelligence

A.A. 2012-2013

First Semester

Fri: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Room C1

Fri: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Room E2

Lectures & Suggested Readings:

  • Reports of errors in the resources below are always welcome
    1. 2012.10.05 (theory)

      Introduction [pdf]

      Alan Turing (Wikipedia)
      Computer chess (Wikipedia)

      Shannon, C., "Programming a Computer for Playing Chess", Philosophical Magazine, 41 (314), 1950 [pdf]

      Campbell, M., Hoane, A. J., Hsu, F., "Deep Blue", Artificial Intelligence, 134 (1-2), 2001 [pdf]

      "Building Watson - A Brief Overview of the DeepQA Project", YouTube, 2011 [video]

      "Final Jeopardy! and the Future of Watson", TED, 2011 [video]

      Ferrucci, D., et al., "Building Watson: An Overview of the DeepQA Project", AI Magazine, 3 (31), 2010 [pdf]

    2. 2012.10.12 (theory)

      Formal Logic [pdf]
      Language, schemas and reasoning

      Syllogism (ancient logic) (Wikipedia)

    3. 2012.10.19 (lab)

      Lab 1: Finite State Automata [pdf]
      "Parity Checker (as FSA)" [zip] (finite state automaton in Jess)

      Finite State Automaton (Wikipedia)

      Jess - the Rule Engine for the Java Platform (free software) [link]

      Menken, M., Jess Tutorial, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2002 [pdf]

    4. 2012.10.19 (theory)

      Propositional Logic [pdf]
      Boolean algebras, formal propositional language and its semantics, satisfiability, entailment

    5. 2012.10.26 (theory)

      Decisions and Algorithms [pdf]
      Decision problems, entailment as a satisfiability problem (i.e. refutation), computational complexity, Semantic Tableau

      The Halting Problem (Wikipedia)
      Big O Notation (Wikipedia)
      The NP complexity class (Wikipedia)

    6. 2012.11.09 (lab)

      Lab 2: Turing Machine [pdf]
      Example: "Parity Checker (TM)" [zip] (Turing Machine in Jess)

      Turing Machine (Wikipedia)

    7. 2012.11.16 (lab)

      Lab 3: Semantic Tableau in Jess [pdf]
      Semantic Tableau in Jess [zip]

    8. 2012.11.16 (theory)

      Deductive Systems [pdf]
      Deductive systems 'a la Hilbert', axioms, inference, derivations

    9. 2012.11.23 (theory)

      Propositional Resolution [pdf]
      Resolution as inference rule, propositional resolution by refutation

    10. 2012.11.30 (theory)

      First-Order Logic [pdf]
      First-Order semantic structures, language, validity

    11. 2012.12.07 (theory)

      Semi-Decidability of First-Order Logic [pdf]
      Prenex normal form, skolemization, Herbrand's theorem

    12. 2012.12.14 (theory)

      First-Order Resolution [pdf]
      Clausal form, unification, resolution method for first-order logic

    13. 2012.12.14 (lab)

      Lab 4: The World of Lists in Prolog [pdf]
      Re-definition of append/3 using the function cons/2 [pl]

      Prolog examples are compatible with SWI-Prolog
      (free software) [link]

    14. 2013.01.07 (theory)

      SLD Resolution [pdf]
      Horn clauses, SLD resolution, logic programming

    15. 2013.01.11 (lab)

      Backtracking, cut and negation as failure in Prolog [pl]

    16. 2013.01.11 (theory)

      Minimal Models, Logic Programs [pdf]
      Herbrand models, minimal models, logic programming systems


    1. Marco Piastra

    2. The main forum for questions & answers about the course is on piazza.com (please sign-up)

    3. Contact: marco.piastra@unipv.it


    1. To be defined

    Further resources:

    1. Mordechai Ben-Ari. Mathematical Logic for Computer Science (3rd Edition). Springer, 2012

    2. Lorenzo Magnani, Rosella Gennari. Manuale di logica. Guerini Scientifica, 1997

    3. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall, 2009.


    1. Intelligenza Artificiale I, A.A. 2011-2012 and before