Welcome to the Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab website.
- 3D modeling of the statue of Prosperity
- 3D printing of scale models of the apostles’ statues from the Ark of St. Augustine
- Virtual reconstruction of the Castle of Mirabello in three different historical periods
- Virtual reconstruction of the "Ark of St. Augustine"
- A serious online game for the "Ark of St. Augustine"
- 3D modeling and printing of lost art: the stolen cherubim of the church of San Luca
- 3D modeling and printing of fantasy animals
- Tactile image for Lucania ’61
- Ocular interaction to "explore" images of artworks: Occhio all’Arte!
- Digital Anastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE (DAFNE)
- Virtual reconstruction of Pavia in the XVI century
- Writing analysis of Stradiviari's relics
- 3D modeling and printing of a bas-relief: the first stone laid for the Certosa of Pavia
- Tactile image for the painting "Christ and the Samaritan woman"
- Augmented reality and interactive applications for museums: the tapestries of the Battle of Pavia
- Image processing and 3D modeling of historical musical instruments
- Virtual reconstruction of the Sforzesca of Vigevano (“Colombarone”) in the 15th century
- Virtual reconstruction of a lost piece of art: the "Macchina Vasariana" altar
- CD-rom “Pavia città d’arte”
- >> publications
Digital Humanities projects
This page describes the CVML applications of new digital technologies in the humanities, with a particular emphasis on how creatively they are used to offer some suggestions for the promotion, preservation, and analysis of cultural heritage assets, also improving their accessibility. The initiatives cover the area of virtual heritage, which straddles the demands and issues of cultural specialists (ranging from art historians to city history scholars) and the tools available to information technology professionals. They can be categorized based on the function they fulfill:
- promotion of local heritage,
- 3D modeling and reconstruction,
- interaction and accessibility,
- image processing for preventive conservation and restoration of artwork,
- analysis of manuscripts.
In particular, since 2014 is active a collaboration with the Arvedi Laboratory of Non-Invasive Diagnostics for the application of artificial vision and 3D modeling techniques in the study of historical musical instruments preserved in the Violin Museum of Cremona. In this context, a collaboration with the Universitè Paris Sud has recently begun, focused on the creation of new algorithms for the identification of alterations on the surface of historical violins. Another relevant project, developed in the educational context of the Computer Vision course for the Master’s degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Pavia (Italy), is teaching 3D computer graphics using the Experiential Learning strategy, with a focus on the realization of applications for local cultural assets. This approach has successfully increased the students’ involvement, also promoting synergies and partnerships between the world of education and the local community. Under the direction of Prof. Virginio Cantoni, the “Pavia Digital City” project includes the activities completed during the academic years 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 for the virtual reconstruction of Pavia in the XVI century and 2017–18, 2018–19, and 2019–2020 for the virtual reconstruction of the Ark of St. Augustine.
Here follows a brief description for each initiative.
> 3D modeling of the statue of Prosperity (2024). This project has been developed to reproduce in 3D a statue, symbol of the Prosperity, preserved at the Church of the Santissimo Salvatore, more commonly known as Church of San Mauro in Pavia. The realization is by Deborah Tandurella, under the supervision of prof. Virginio Cantoni. Please visit this page for more detailed information and a video of the 3D model.
> 3D printing of scale models of the apostles’ statues from the Ark of St. Augustine (2023). The Ark of St. Augustine, a marble monument that contains the sarcophagus with the remains of the saint, shows the statues of the twelve apostles on its long front and rear sides. A scale reproduction of the twelve statues (height of approximately 28.5 cm each, with solid exterior walls and empty inside) has been 3D printed in collaboration with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and with the financial contribution of the Association Piccolo Chiostro San Mauro ODV. Please visit this page for more detailed information and figures.
> Virtual reconstruction of the Castle of Mirabello in three different historical periods (2023). The aim of this Bachelor's thesis in Electronic and Computer Engineering, developed by Martina Bellotti with the supervision of Virginio Cantoni, has been the 3D modelling of the Castle of Mirabello, place in 1525 of the Battle of Pavia. The castle dates back to the fourteenth-fifteenth century and is located in the town of Pavia, now incorporated into other buildings. The 3D reconstructions highlight the structural and artistic changes that have occurred over time, in four centuries: the Visconti period, the Sforzesca period, and the 19th century. Please visit this page for more detailed information and figures.
> Virtual reconstruction of the "Ark of St. Augustine" (2023). It is made of 3D models realized by the students of the Computer Vision course - academic years 2017/2018, 2018/2019, and 2019/2020 - of the Master's degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Pavia (Italy). The material is used for the temporary exhibition L'Arca nascosta / The hidden Ark, a new and close look at the monument that preserves the remains of St. Augustine, presented in an interactive, easy, and accessible way, using advanced multimedia techniques. The exhibition is open from 25/01/2023 to 29/02/2024 at the Civic Museums of the Visconti Castle of Pavia. The third book of the bilingual series (Italian and English) "Pavia Digital City" illustrates the project in details.
> A serious online game for the "Ark of St. Augustine" (2021). This project integrates gamification and 3D modeling into the domain of cultural heritage. It is about the design and implementation of an online serious game with the specific learning goal of promoting and disseminating information about a local cultural heritage asset, the Ark of St. Augustine, a marble sculpture from the 14th century that is located in Pavia (Italy). The realized app follows a three-year project on 3D modeling of the Ark’s components (statues and bas-reliefs), made by more than one hundred students enrolled in the University of Pavia’s Master’s program in Computer Engineering (from a.y. 2017-18 to a.y. 2019-20). It is the result of the Master’s thesis of Roberto Nour: “The realization of an online game to explore the 3D reconstruction of the Ark of St. Augustine in Pavia”, with supervisors Mauro Mosconi and Virginio Cantoni, during the academic year 2020/2021.
> 3D modeling and printing of lost art: the stolen cherubim of the church of San Luca (2020).
Example of new technologies applied to art to replicate two of the four riliefs - cherubs in white marble, artworks dated 1684 of the sculptor Fossati - located in the church of San Luca in Pavia, stolen around the mid-1990s. Degree thesis in Electronic and Computer Engineering by Adriano Cotta Ramusino, entitled "Photogrammetry for art: the cherubs of San Luca", supervisor: Prof. Virginio Cantoni. Modern technologies for 3D modeling and 3D printing have been used to reproduce the surviving statues and to print a 3D copy to give back to the city's artistic heritage.
> 3D modeling and printing of fantasy animals (2019): The 3D transposition of drawings made by young patients of the San Matteo Polyclinic pediatric oncohematology ward is the aim of this project. Starting from 2D drawings of imaginary creatures (combination of parts of different animals) a corresponding 3D model is made, to be processed by a 3D printer and handled to the little designers so they can color it. The object they invented then will be displayed in the hospital rooms and aisles. This activity is part of the Colla d'Oro / Gold glue project, promoted by Prof. Andrea Pietrabissa (director DEA - Policlinico San Matteo), which is inspired to the Japanese kintsugi technique, which uses pure gold paste to repair broken ceramic objects. The basic idea is that scars do not have to be hidden, but displayed in such a way that, once repaired, they acquire even greater value. Older kids (aged 10 and up) are busy painting 3D heads, while younger kids draw fantastic animals and then color the corresponding 3D printed models, all under the supervision of volunteer art teachers.
The fantastic animals 3D modeling project is carried out by the students of the "Computer Vision" course of the master's degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Pavia - academic years 2018/19 and 2019/2020 - under the supervision of prof. Virginio Cantoni. The 3D prints are made at the 3D4MED, a clinical 3D printing laboratory located in the DEA Pavilion of the Fondazione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia.
> Tactile image for Lucania ’61 (2019): is a haptic scaled version of the large canvas (18.50 meters x 3.20 meters) that Carlo Levi painted to describe the Basilicata region and to honor his Lucan friend Rocco Scotellaro. The original canvas is kept in the Levi Room of the National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art in Matera. Aim of the project has been the realization of a tactile version that makes this artwork accessibile to visually impaired people. The 3D model will be soon 3D printed and displayed (September 2024) in Turin by the Fondazione Giorgio Amendola - Associazione Lucana in Piemonte Carlo Levi.
> Ocular interaction to "explore" images of artworks: Occhio all’Arte! (2019). Contract for research activities related to the PROTOLAB project, funded by Confindustria Pavia, for the technology transfer between universities and companies, concerning the creation of an ocular interaction system to "explore" images of works of art. It will be presented at the end of December 2019 in Matera, during the closing ceremonies of "Matera European Capital of Culture 2019". The project proposes an alternative way of using "augmented content" applied to cultural heritage, through the use of an "eye tracker". The innovative interaction modality allows the user to choose which parts to scan and when, and to enjoy various contents without the need to use hands or other input devices (such as mouse). This makes the interaction more intuitive and engaging, as well as having an undoubted relevance in the context of assistive technologies.
> Digital Anastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE (DAFNE) (2019). The international challenge concerned with collecting outstanding contributions to the field of Anastylosis. The goal was to develop tools enabling digital reconstruction of heavily damaged frescoes, supporting their restoration through the solution of the ‘puzzles’ formed by the remaining fragments, often mixed with spurious elements. The Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition communities were involved in the project, for the application of advanced computer techniques, such as machine learning and deep learning, to the development of adequate IT tools. The challenge could be approached in two different ways: 1) with an automatic approach, aimed at identifying a digital process for the reconstruction of a sort of complex and incomplete puzzle; 2) with a manual approach, to allow the inclusion of people who "think through images", that, using a specially developed software could move the fragments images 'by hand' and get the corresponding coordinate table (the condition of visual thinking is relatively widespread within the autistic spectrum). Twenty-eight teams (altogether 52 people) enrolled in the competition, with participants from eight different countries (Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, United States). Nine different solutions were received (from 17 people, grouped into three teams of two people, a team of three, a team of four, and four individual).
> Virtual reconstruction of Pavia in the XVI century (2018) made with 3D models realized by the students of the Computer Vision course - academic years 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 - of the Master's degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Pavia (Italy). Pictures: 1) the city of Pavia in the XVI century, a 3D reconstruction of the whole city and 2) some 3D models of specific monuments
> Writing analysis of Stradiviari's relics. Activity carried out from 2016 to 2018 in collaboration with Arvedi Laboratory of Non Invasive Diagnostics of University of Pavia, located inside "Museo del Violino" of Cremona (Italy). The goal was studying the working notes present on Antonio Stardivari's relics, a collection of artifacts, technical drawings and wood molds used by the famous violin maker between the 17th and the 18th century, currently held in "Museo del Violino".
> 3D modeling and printing of a bas-relief: the first stone laid for the Certosa of Pavia (2016) represented in a panel of the sanctuary's portal. The project is the degree thesis in Electronic and Computer Engineering (a.y. 2015/16) of Pavesi Bianca, entitled "Modelling, rendering and 3D printing of characters and scenes of the cultural heritage of Pavia: the first stone laid for the Certosa", supervisor: Virginio Cantoni, co-supervisors: Alfredo Brega and Manola Dettori. The 3D printing is for the Visconti Documentation Center at the Belgioioso castle, where it will also be useful for educational initiatives.
> Tactile image for the painting "Christ and the Samaritan woman" by Annibale Carracci (2016): it is located, beside the original artwork, at the Pinacoteca of Brera in Milan (Italy), in Room XXVIII. It was made in collaboration with the Institut of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the staff of the Educational Services of the Pinacoteca of Brera, and it was shown the first time on the 9th of November 2016 to associations and organizations of blind and low vision people.
> Augmented reality and interactive applications for museums: the tapestries of the Battle of Pavia (2015): 3D reconstructions, applications for eye and gesture human-computer interaction, and tactile images for the exhibition “1525-2015. Pavia, the Battle, the Future. Nothing was the same again”, satellite even of Expo 2015, held at the Visconti Castle in Pavia, from the 14th of June to the 15th of November 2015. Multimedia and multimodal applications for an exhibition path in which art, science and technology meet. Pictures: some 3D printing of 3D reconstructions of characters/objects depicted in seven ancient tapestries of the Battle of Pavia
> Image processing and 3D modeling of historical musical instruments. Activity in progress since 2014 in collaboration with Arvedi Laboratory of Non Invasive Diagnostics of University of Pavia, located inside Museo del Violino of Cremona (Italy). The objective is the analysis of surface and morfology of historical musical instruments, with a special focus on violins and other string musical instruments held in the museum. Histrorical violins are a very unique kind of artworks since are both preserved in museums and also played. The multiple restorations occurred during centuries to maintain the instruments in use have created a very complex surface, hard to correctly interpret. Main tracks of this project include: analysis of UV Induced Fluorescence (UVF) images; 3D scan and modelling; Human-Comptuter Interaction (HCI) applications for scientific dissemination.
> Virtual reconstruction of the Sforzesca of Vigevano (“Colombarone”) in the 15th century (2009): the visualization and presentation of Vigevano’s Borgo della Sforzesca (also known as the “Colombarone”) has been realized using QuickTime VR. It shows the complex’s condition in the fifteenth century. After the 3D modeling, starting from the model itself, renderings have been generated to produce different views, in high definition, enabling the development of the virtual tour. 17 QuickTime VR nodes were generated in the exterior, back, inner courtyard, stables, warehouses and noble environments of the area. The multimedia and interactive “La Sforzesca di Vigevano” CD-ROM was created, allowing users to virtually explore the Sforzesca in both its 15th century and present-day configurations, as well as including descriptive text sheets and aerial footage of the complex [to download the CD-ROM press here (compressed file of about 600 MB). For navigation the installation of QuickTime is required].
> Virtual reconstruction of a lost piece of art: the "Macchina Vasariana" altar (2004): a 3D printed scale reproduction was exhibited as element of a tactile path for blind and visually impaired people at the event “Abilitando, where technology meets disability”, held the 25-26 of September 2015 at the Monumental Complex of Bosco Marengo (Italy).
> CD-rom “Pavia città d’arte” (Pavia city of art) (2000): the virtual visitor has the chance to see urban and architectural views and landscapes of the "old Pavia", in four thematic itineraries, with music and narrated text, videos, images, QTVR virtual reconstructions and textual descriptions.
The laboratory has several models of eye-trackers, useful both for gaze-based computer interaction and for the study of methods of observation of different types of stimuli (including artworks).
- Martina Bellotti, Virginio Cantoni, Piercarlo Dondi, Alessio Gullotti, Luca Lombardi, Mauro Mosconi, Mirto Musci, Alessandra Setti (2024). 3D modeling for promotion of historical buildings: Mirabello Castle, past and present, in Vito Cappellini ed., EVA 2024 Florence, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, 27 May 2024, Firenze, in press.
- Virginio Cantoni, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti (2023). New Technologies and the Support and Accessibility of Cultural Heritage, in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’23, University of Ruse (Bulgaria), 16-17 June 2023, pp. 1-8, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States, DOI:10.1145/3606305.3606336.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Porta (2023). Gaze-Based Human–Computer Interaction for Museums and Exhibitions: Technologies, Applications and Future Perspectives, in Electronics, 12(14):3064, DOI:10.3390/electronics12143064.
- Alireza Rezaei, Emanuel Aldea, Piercarlo Dondi, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Marco Malagodi (2023). Multi-temporal image analysis for preventive conservation of historical musical instruments, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Volume 16, Issue 2 Article No.: 35, pp. 1–19, DOI:10.1145/3575866.
- Virginio Cantoni, Elena Fede, Luca Lombardi, Mirto Musci, Alessandra Setti, Nikolay Stoimenov, Deborah Tandurella (2023). 3D Sculptures of the Ark of St. Augustine: the Apostles and the Angelic Hierarchies, in Vito Cappellini ed., EVA 2023 Florence, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, 5 June 2023, Firenze, Edizioni Polistampa, pp. 32-39.
- Mira Tzvetkova-Arsova, Margarita Tomova, Gabriela Kotseva, Virginio Cantoni, Peter Panev, Nikolay Stoimenov (2022). 3D Tactile Tiles Optimization for Blind and Visually Impaired People, in 26th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), pp. 286-289, DOI:10.1109/CSCC55931.2022.00055.
- Virginio Cantoni, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti eds. (2022). L’Arca di Sant’Agostino. La tecnologia digitale per una fruizione innovativa dell’arte con il coinvolgimento degli studenti / The Ark of St. Augustine. Student participation in the use of digital technologies for innovative interpretations of art, PSYCOMIX, ISBN: 978-88-9465-261-1 (link to purchase).
- Virginio Cantoni, Piercarlo Dondi, Alessio Gullotti, Luca Lombardi, Mauro Mosconi, Roberto Nour, and Alessandra Setti (2022). Digital Historical Pavia: 3D Modeling in Educational Context for Cultural Heritage Promotion, in Furferi R., Governi L., Volpe Y., Seymour K., Pelagotti A., Gherardini F. (eds.), The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies: ICT and Digital Heritage. Florence Heri-Tech 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1645, Springer, Cham, pp. 3-14, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-20302-2_1.
- Virginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Mauro Mosconi, Roberto Nour, and Alessandra Setti (2022). A serious online game for cultural heritage knowledge and promotion, in EVA 2022 Florence, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, 6 June 2022, Firenze, Polistampa, pp. 32-39.
- Lucia Cascone, Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi and Fabio Narducci (2022). Automatic Classification of Fresco Fragments: a Machine and Deep Learning Study, in Sclaroff S., Distante C., Leo M., Farinella G.M., Tombari F. (eds.), Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13231, pp. 701–712, Springer, Cham, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-06427-2_58.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Porta, Angelo Donvito, Giovanni Volpe (2021). A gaze-based interactive system to explore artwork imagery, in Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Springer, DOI:10.1007/s12193-021-00373-z.
- Virginio Cantoni, Clara Davite, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti, Emanuela Venturini (2021). 3D Modeling for a virtual visit of the Ark of St. Augustine, in V. Cappellini (ed.), Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. Eva 2021 Florence, 14 June 2021, Polistampa, pp. 32-39, ISBN 978-88-596-2159-1.
- Alireza Rezaei, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Emanuel Aldea, Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Malagodi (2021). One step clustering based on a-contrario framework for detection of alterations in historical violins, in 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020), pp. 9348-9355, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9412129.
- Virginio Cantoni, Gian Luca Foresti, Nicu Sebec (2021). Editorial for the Special Issue on the DAFNE Project (Digital Anastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE), Pattern Recognition Letters.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli (2021). Stylistic Classification of Historical Violins: A Deep Learning Approach, in Del Bimbo A. et al. (eds.), Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges. ICPR 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12667, Springer, Cham, pp. 112-125, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-68787-8_8.
- Michela Albano, Giacomo Fiocco, Piercarlo Dondi, Francesca Tasso, Valentina Ricetti, Daniela Comelli, Maurizio Licchelli, Claudio Canevari, Marco Malagodi (2020). Preliminary study of the shapes and materials of two natural horns of the end of the 17th century, in MetroArcheo2020, International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Trento, Italy, 22-24 October 2020, pp. 454-459.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Alessandra Setti (2020). DAFNE: a dataset of fresco fragments for digital anastlylosis, Pattern Recognition Letters, 138 (2020), pp. 631-637, Elsevier, DOI:10.1016/j.patrec.2020.09.015.
- Virginio Cantoni, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti (2020). Javastylosis: a tool for computer-assisted chromatic and semantics based anastylosis of frescoes, in CompSysTech’20 Proceedings, 21st International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, 20 June 2020, University of Ruse, Bulgaria, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM Digital Library, pp. 208–214, DOI:10.1145/3407982.3408025, awarded BEST PAPER for Session VI: Application Aspects of Computer Systems and Technologies.
- Ferdinando Auricchio, Virginio Cantoni, Giovanni Caserta, Luca Lombardi, Stefania Marconi, Mauro Mosconi, Roberto Nour, Andrea Pietrabissa, Massimiliano Pini, Alessandra Setti (2020). Channeling Artwork Content for Visually Impaired People, in V. Cappellini (a cura di), Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. Eva 2020 Florence, pp. 24-31.
- Tiziana Cavaleri, Tommaso Rovetta, Giacomo Fiocco, Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Malagodi, Monica Gulmini, Anna Piccirillo, Marco Pisani, Massimo Zucco, Marco Gargano (2020). A new imaging method of fluorescence induced by multispectral UV for studying historical musical instruments coatings, in Conservation 360°: UV-Vis Fluorescence imaging techniques, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli (2019). Segmentation of Multi-temporal UV-Induced Fluorescence Images of Historical Violins, in Cristani M., Prati A., Lanz O., Messelodi S., Sebe N. (eds.), New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11808, pp. 81-91, Springer, Cham, print ISBN: 978-3-030-30753-0, online ISBN: 978-3-030-30754-7, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-30754-7_9
- Virginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Giovanna Mastrotisi, Alessandra Setti (2019). Digital Anastylosis of Frescoes challenge (DAFNE), 35° convegno internazionale SCIENZA E BENI CULTURALI.2019, Il patrimonio culturale in mutamento. Le sfide dell'uso, Giornate di studi internazionali, Bressanone, 01-05 luglio 2019, Arcadia Ricerche ed., pp. 1067-1075, ISBN 978-88-95409-23-8
- Virginio Cantoni, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti (2019). Technological innovation and its enhancement of cultural heritage, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA), Sofia, Bulgaria, 3-5 July 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7281-1862-8, DOI:10.1109/INISTA.2019.8778378
- Alireza Rezaei, Emanuel Aldea, Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Malagodi, Sylvie Le Hégarat (2019). Detecting alterations in historical violins with optical monitoring, Proc. SPIE 11172, Fourteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, 1117210 (16 July 2019), DOI:10.1117/12.2521702
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Porta, Tommaso Rovetta, Claudia Invernizzi, Marco Malagodi (2019). What do luthiers look at? An eye tracking study on the identification of meaningful areas in historical violins, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, Issue 14, pp. 19115-19139, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-019-7276-2
- Virginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Giovanna Mastrotisi, Alessandra Setti (2019). The DAFNE Project: Human and Machine Involvement, in V. Cappellini (a cura di), Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. Eva 2019, pp. 24-31, Firenze University Press, ISBN (online PDF): 978-88-6453-707-8
- Virginio Cantoni, Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Alessandra Setti (2019). Teaching Computer Graphics through a Digital Humanities project, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 39, Issue 2, pp. 89-94, DOI:10.1109/MCG.2019.2895487
- Virginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Alessandra Setti, Stanislav Gyoshev, Dimitar Karastoyanov, and Nikolay Stoimenov (2018). Art masterpieces accessibility for blind and visually impaired people, in Miesenberger K., Kouroupetroglou G. (eds), Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10897, Springer, Cham, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2018), July 11-13, 2018, Linz, Austria, pp. 267-274, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-94274-2_37, Print ISBN 978-3-319-94273-5, Online ISBN 978-3-319-94274-2
- Stanislav Gyoshev, Dimitar Karastoyanov, Nikolay Stoimenov, Virginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, and Alessandra Setti (2018). Exploiting a graphical Braille display for art masterpieces, in Miesenberger K., Kouroupetroglou G. (eds), Computers Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10897, Springer, Cham, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2018), July 11-13, 2018, Linz, Austria, pp. 237-245, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-94274-2_33, Print ISBN 978-3-319-94273-5, Online ISBN 978-3-319-94274-2.
- Virginio Cantoni, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti (a cura di) (2018). Ricostruzione virtuale di Pavia nel XVI secolo / Virtual Reconstruction of Pavia in the 16th century, Pavia University Press, ISBN: 978-88-6952-085-3.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Irene Rocca, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli (2018). Multimodal workflow for the creation of interactive presentations of 360 spin images of historical violins, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018, Springer US, November 2018, Volume 77, Issue 21, pp. 28309–28332, Print ISSN: 1380-7501, Online ISSN: 1573-7721, DOI:10.1007/s11042-018-6046-x
- Piercarlo Dondi, Alessandro Danani, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli (2018). Handwriting identification of short historical manuscripts, Proceedings of DAS2018 - 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 April 2018, DOI:10.1109/DAS.2018.45.
- Virginio Cantoni, Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Nahumi Nugrahaningsih, Marco Porta, Alessandra Setti (2018). A Multi-Sensory Approach to Cultural Heritage: The Battle of Pavia Exhibition, in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 364, conference 1, number 012039, Proceedings of Florence Heritech, Florence 16-18 May 2018, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/364/1/012039
- Virginio Cantoni, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti, Haochen Wang (2018). Le nuove tecnologie multimediali nelle Digital Humanities insegnate con un approccio di experiential learning, in La formazione nell’era delle Smart City. Esperienze ed orizzonti, a cura di Elena Caldirola e Giuseppe Pirlo, Cisalpino - Monduzzi Editoriale, pp. 451-465, DOI:10.12894/1128
- Giacomo Patrucco, Filiberto Chiabrando, Piercarlo Dondi, and Marco Malagodi (2018). Image and Range-Based 3D Acquisition and Modeling of Popular Musical Instruments, Proceedings from the Document Academy, Vol. 5, Iss. 2, Article 9.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli (2017). 3D modelling and measurements of historical violins, ACTA IMEKO, Vol 6, No3, Sep. 2017, pp. 29-34, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21014/acta_imeko.v6i3.455.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Claudia Invernizzi, Tommaso Rovetta, Marco Malagodi and Maurizio Licchelli (2017). Automatic analysis of UV induced fluorescence imagery of historical violins, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), Volume 10 Issue 2, March 2017, ACM New York, NY, USA, doi:10.1145/3051472.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Giusj Valentina Fichera, Claudia Invernizzi, Maurizio Licchelli, Marco Malagodi, Tommaso Rovetta, (2017) The Messie model, research on materials and study of moulds, in Alf G., Cacciatori F., "The Absolute Stradivari, the Messie violin 1716/2016", Cremona, Fondazione Museo del Violino Antonio Stradivari, 2016, pp.89-112, ISBN: 8890917970
- Giusj Valentina Fichera, Piercarlo Dondi, Maurizio Licchelli, Luca Lombardi, Stefano Ridolfi, Marco Malagodi, (2016). A combined approach for the attribution of handwriting:the case of Antonio Stradivari’s manuscripts, Applied Physics A, Vol. 122, Issue 11, article 970 November 2016, DOI:10.1007/s00339-016-0497-6.
- Tommaso Rovetta, Alessandra Chiapparini, Piercarlo Dondi, Giusj Valentina Fichera, Claudia Invernizzi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli (2016). Metodi analitici non invasivi per lo studio dei materiali degli strumenti musicali antichi, in Archeomatica, anno VII #2, pag. 20-25, July 2016.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli (2016). Automatic identification of varnish wear on historical instruments: The case of Antonio Stradivari violins, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol 22 (Nov-Dec 2016), pp. 968-973, Elsevier, DOI:10.1016/j.culher.2016.05.010.
- Virginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Marco Porta, Alessandra Setti (2016). Interactive, Tangible and Multi-Sensory Technology for a Cultural Heritage Exhibition: the Battle of Pavia, in S. Margenov et al. (eds.), ACOMIN 2015 conference, Innovative Approaches and Solutions in Advanced Intelligent Systems, Studies in Computational Intelligence 648, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-32206-3, Chapter DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-32207-0_6.
- Virginio Cantoni, Dimitar Karastoyanov, Mauro Mosconi, Alessandra Setti eds. (2016). Pavia, la Battaglia, il Futuro. 1525-2015 Niente fu come prima. CVML e SMART Lab alla Mostra, Pavia University Press, 112 pp., ISBN: 978-88-6952-035-8.
- Virginio Cantoni, Lorenzo Merlano, Nahumi Nugrahaningsih, Marco Porta (2016). Eye Tracking for Cultural Heritage: a Gaze-controlled System for Handless Interaction with Artworks, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies 2016, ACM New York, CompSysTech 2016, June 23-24, Palermo, Italia, pp. 307-314, DOI:10.1145/2983468.2983499.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli, and Fausto Cacciatori (2016). Color-based automatic detection of worn out varnishes on Stradivari's “Scotland University” violin back plate, Color Research & Application, Special Issue: Bridging Science with Art, Volume 41, Issue 3, pages 313–316, article first published online: 29 DEC 2015, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, DOI: 10.1002/col.22012.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli, (2016). Measuring Stradivari violin “Cremonese” (1715) by 3D Modeling, in Proocedings of 2nd IMEKO International Conference of Metrology of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MetroArcheo 2016), pp. 29-33, IMEKO, Torino 19-21 October 2016, ISBN: 978-92-990075-4-9.
- Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli, Tommaso Rovetta, Claudia Invernizzi (2015). An Interactive Tool for Speed up the Analysis of UV Images of Stradivari Violins, New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing, Proceedings of ICIAP 2015 International Workshops, Genoa, Italy, September 7-8, 2015, Volume 9281 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, pp 103-110, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-23221-8, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-23222-5.
- Virginio Cantoni (2015). Expo 2015: La Battaglia di Pavia secondo gli studenti di Virginio Cantoni, report in GIRPRNewsletter, Vol. 7, N. 1.
- Dondi Piercarlo, Invernizzi Claudia, Licchelli Maurizio, Lombardi Luca, Malagodi Marco, Rovetta Tommaso (2015). Semi-automatic system for UV images analysis of historical musical instruments, Proc. SPIE 9527, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology V, 95270H, doi:10.1117/12.2184744.
- Marco Malagodi, Tommaso Rovetta, Piercarlo Dondi, Claudia Invernizzi, Giusj Valentina Fichera, Maurizio Licchelli (2015). La materia del Cremonese, in Il Cremonese 1715-2015, 300° anniversario, Fondazione Museo del Violino Antonio Stradivari Cremona.