Thesis proposals

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Argomenti di Tesi / Thesis topics:

  • Applicazioni Eye tracking / Eye Tracking applications
  • Augmented reality applications for mobile devices
  • Biometria / Biometrics
  • Elaborazione di immagini e video / Image and video processing
  • Intelligenza artificiale e sistemi auto-organizzanti / Artificial intelligence and self-organizing systems
  • Modellazione, rendering e stampe 3D / 3D modelling, rendering and printing
  • Riconoscimento di gesti e comportamenti dell'utente / Gesture interaction and user behavior detection

Graduation Thesis

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Anno accademico 2023/2024

Computer Engineering (magistrale)

Malfa Lorenzo, "User-Centered Design and Prototyping of a University Library Service Website / Progettazione e prototipazione incentrata sull’utente del sito web di un servizio bibliotecario d’ateneo", supervisor: Marco Porta, co-supervisor: Davide Pillitteri

Tandurella Deborah, "3D scenario reconstruction for virtual simulator", supervisor: Luca Lombardi, co-supervisor: Virginio Cantoni, Alessandro Giraudo, Andrea Vergine

Comunicazione, Innovazione, Multimedialità (CIM) - Interdipartimentale (triennale)

Begards Alhena Marie, "Digitalizzazione e Innovazione: il settore automobilistico e il caso Mercedes-Benz nell’industria 4.0", relatore: Marco Porta

Cappelli Asia, "Navigare senza barriere: mappe interattive per l'inclusione sociale", relatore: Marco Porta

Caradonna Alessia, "La Rivoluzione del Digital Fashion: L’Impatto del Metaverso e delle Tecnologie Digitali sull’Industria della Moda", relatore: Marco Porta

Casati Davide Lorenzo Maria, "Intelligenza Artificiale e Large Language Models: un confronto tra ChatGPT e Gemini", relatore: Marco Porta

Giudice Valentina, "La relazione tra Neuroscienze e Web Design per un'Esperienza Utente Coinvolgente", relatore: Marco Porta

Raffaghelli Alessio, "Intellienza Artificiale applicata alla Cinematografia", relatore: Marco Porta

Attività progettuali e tirocini

Franco Gabriel, Master's student from École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay - France (03 June 2024 - 31 July 2024) - internship, tutors: Luca Lombardi and Piercarlo Dondi

Guichard Victor, Master's student from École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay - France (03 June 2024 - 31 July 2024) - internship, tutors: Luca Lombardi and Piercarlo Dondi

Erasmus students

Nikolov Daniel, from University of Ruse, Bulgaria - BG ROUSSE01 (April-July 2024) - development of final thesis project (BA) - supervisor: Marco Porta

PhD Thesis

For details and a full list see more

Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Elettronica, Informatica ed Elettrica

PhD projects in progress

Hoàng Nam Lê, "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Perception for Human-Centered System Design", Supervisor: Marco Porta, 39° ciclo, 1° anno, 2023.

Nawabi Awais Khan, "Predictive models based on artificial intelligence for the study of pathologies with the highest incidence", Supervisor: Piercarlo Dondi, Co-supervisor: Elena Bianchi - Neosperience Health, 39° ciclo, 1° anno, 2023.

Last completed PhD thesis

Gianluca Gerard, "Convolutive neural networks applications to the classification and segmentation of biomedical images", XXXIII ciclo, 2020.

Iman H. Abu Hashish, "Applied data science approaches in FinTech: innovative models for bitcoin price dynamics", XXXII ciclo, 2019.

Haochen Wang, "Gaze-Based Biometrics: Some Case Studies", XXX ciclo, 2018.

Nahumi Nugrahaningsih, "Eye Behavior and Body Motion Analysis for Biometrics and E-Learning", XXVII ciclo, 2016.

Butt Waqqas-Ur-Rehman, "Speech recognition supported by lip analysis", XXVIII ciclo, 2015.

Parigi Giacomo, "A case study based analysis of the role of discrete topology in Artificial Intelligence problems", XXVII ciclo, 2015.

Ricotti Stefania, "Eye Tracking for Usability and E-Learning: Case Studies and Research Perspectives", XXVI ciclo, 2014.

Gaggia Alessandro, "P.L.I.A. A system for protein-ligand interaction analysis", XXV ciclo, 2012.

Brandolini Laura, "A Discrete Approach to Reeb Graph Computation and Surface Mesh Segmentation: Theory and Algorithm", XXIV ciclo, 2012.

Ravarelli Alice, "User Interface Evaluation through Eyetracking: new Approaches and Critical Issues", XXIV ciclo, 2011.

Merlini Simone, "Rich Internet Interfaces for Cloud Computing", XXIII ciclo, 2011.

Dondi Piercarlo, "Multichannel Integration for Real-Time Multimedia Applications", XXIV ciclo, 2011.