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PhD Thesis - Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Elettronica, Informatica ed Elettrica
PhD projects in progress
Hoàng Nam Lê, "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Perception for Human-Centered System Design", Supervisor: Marco Porta, 39° ciclo, 1° anno, 2023.
Nawabi Awais Khan, "Predictive models based on artificial intelligence for the study of pathologies with the highest incidence", Supervisor: Piercarlo Dondi, Co-supervisor: Elena Bianchi - Neosperience Health, 39° ciclo, 1° anno, 2023.
Completed PhD Thesis
Gianluca Gerard, "Convolutive neural networks applications to the classification and segmentation of biomedical images", Supervisors: Virginio Cantoni, Marco Piastra, XXXIII ciclo, 2020.
Iman H. Abu Hashish, "Applied data science approaches in FinTech: innovative models for bitcoin price dynamics", Supervisors: Marco Porta, Tullio Facchinetti, XXXII ciclo, 2019.
Haochen Wang, "Gaze-Based Biometrics: Some Case Studies", Supervisor: Virginio Cantoni, XXX ciclo, 2018.
Nahumi Nugrahaningsih, "Eye Behavior and Body Motion Analysis for Biometrics and E-Learning", Supervisor: Marco Porta, XXVII ciclo, 2016.
Butt Waqqas-Ur-Rehman, "Speech recognition supported by lip analysis", Supervisor: Virginio Cantoni, XXVIII ciclo, 2015.
Parigi Giacomo, "A case study based analysis of the role of discrete topology in Artificial Intelligence problems", Supervisors: Virginio Cantoni, Marco Piastra, XXVII ciclo, 2015.
Ricotti Stefania, "Eye Tracking for Usability and E-Learning: Case Studies and Research Perspectives", Advisor Prof. Marco Porta, XXVI ciclo, 2014.
Gaggia Alessandro, "P.L.I.A. A system for protein-ligand interaction analysis", Advisor Prof. Virginio Cantoni, XXV ciclo, 2012.
Brandolini Laura, "A Discrete Approach to Reeb Graph Computation and Surface Mesh Segmentation: Theory and Algorithm", Advisors Prof. Marco Piastra, Prof. Virginio Cantoni, XXIV ciclo, 2012.
Ravarelli Alice, "User Interface Evaluation through Eyetracking: new Approaches and Critical Issues", Advisor Prof. Virginio Cantoni, Co-Advisor Prof. Marco Porta, XXIV ciclo, 2011.
Merlini Simone, "Rich Internet Interfaces for Cloud Computing", Advisor Prof. Luca Lombardi, XXIII ciclo, 2011.
Dondi Piercarlo, "Multichannel Integration for Real-Time Multimedia Applications", Advisor Prof. Luca Lombardi, XXIV ciclo, 2011.
Gatti Riccardo, "Patter Recognition Techniques applied to Proteins Docking Problems", Advisor Prof. V. Cantoni, Co-Advisor Prof. L. Lombardi, XXIII ciclo, 2010.
Bianchi Luca, "mobc3: a platform for cross technology data delivery from HPC systems to mobile devices", Advisor Prof. L. Lombardi, XXII ciclo, 2009.
Capozzo Giuseppe, "Ideazione e sperimentazione di interfacce innovative per applicazioni web", Supervisor: Prof. M. Mosconi, XVIII ciclo, 2006.
Marmo Roberto, "Visione artificiale per l'automazione del catasto stradale", Supervisor: Prof. V. Cantoni, XVII ciclo, 2005.
Semenza Mariagrazia, "Le probabilità nell'approccio soggettivo. Dalla teoria ad un nuovo strumento di decision-aiding", Supervisor: Prof. V. Cantoni, XVI ciclo, 2003.
Lombardi Paolo, "A Model of Adaptive Vision System: Application to Pedestrian Detection by an Autonomous Vehicle", Supervisors: Prof. V. Cantoni, Prof. B. Zavidovique, XVI ciclo, 2003.
Vallone Ugo, "Processi Autocatalitici per l' Elaborazione di Immagini", Supervisors: V. Cantoni, Alain Mérigot, XV ciclo, 2003.
Cellario Massimo, "Toward Advanced Multimodal Interaction. Human-Centered Interface Integration in Intelligent Vehicles" Supervisor: Prof. V. Cantoni, XIV ciclo, 2002.
Piastra Marco, "Inference, Symbols and Numbers", Supervisor: Prof. V. Cantoni, XIII ciclo, 2001.
Porta Marco, "Testing New Constructs and Application Domains for Visual Programming Languages, with Special Reference to the Data-Flow Class", Advisor V. Cantoni, Co-Advisor M. Mosconi, XII ciclo, 1999.
Pini Massimiliano, "Un modello cooperativo-distribuito di elaborazione dati", Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, XI ciclo, 1998.
Capobianco Fabrizio, " Programmazione visuale in ambiente distribuito", Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, X ciclo, 1997.
Rubini Alessandro, "Il nucleo di un ambiente distribuito per l'elaborazione dati", Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, VIII ciclo, 1996.
Bollini Alessandro, "Percezione e azione in un modello comportamentale distribuito," Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, VII ciclo, 1995.
Biancardi Alberto, "Un ambiente policy-free per la visione artificiale," Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, VII ciclo, 1995.
Mosconi Mauro, "Una piattaforma computazionale per architetture piramidali a grana fine per la visione," Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, Corr. Prof. M. Ferretti, V ciclo, 1992.
Cei Ugo, "Tecniche e strumenti di alto livello per la programmazione delle macchine per la visione artificiale,", Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, IV ciclo, 1991.
Lombardi Luca, "Strategie di pianificazione e di apprendimento per sistemi gerarchici nella visione computerizzata," Rel. Prof. V. Cantoni, III ciclo, 1989.
Diani Marco, "Ricerca del cammino minimo in spazi con ostacoli: teoria ed applicazioni per hardware parallelo dedicato alla visione artificiale," Rel. Prof. I. De Lotto, III ciclo, 1989.
Savini Massimo, "Rappresentazione strutturale di oggetti per riconoscimento, analisi 3-D e del moto," Rel. Prof. I. De Lotto, II ciclo, 1988.
Doctoral Training
Mustafin Maksat, PhD student from Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univesity (The Republic of Kazakhstan) - Tripartite Collaborative Agreement for Doctoral Training between Al-Farabi Kazah National University (The Republic of Kazakhstan), PhD Turar Olzhas (The Republic of Kazakhstan), and Professor Virginio Cantoni (Italy), 2022.
Visiting PhD students
Zaurbekova Gulzat, from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Kazakhstan, third year PhD student (from 27 April 2018 to 27 May 2018) - advisor: Cantoni Virginio
Shokishalov Zhassulan, from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Kazakhstan, third year PhD student (from February 2018 to May 2018) - advisor: Cantoni Virginio
Jimenez Calet, from Panama, PhD student, XXVI cycle (from a.y. 2010/2011 to a.y. 2012/2013) - advisor: Porta Marco
Nikolov Atanas Filipov, Erasmus PhD Student from Institute of Information & Communication Technologies (IICT) - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Sofia - Bulgaria, eye-tracker studies (from 15 March 2013 to 15 June 2013) - advisor: Porta Marco
Ozbudak Ozlem, Erasmus PhD Student from Istanbul Technical University - Turkey, development of a PhD diploma project (full academic year 2011/2012) - advisor: Cantoni Virginio
Sicard Nicolas, from IFIPS Université-Sud 11 - France, development of a PhD project (second semester a.y. 2000/2001) - advisor: Cantoni Virginio