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Digital Anastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE (DAFNE)
Dataset ANASTYLOSIS DB2 - for testing
Dataset characteristics. The dataset provided (ANASTYLOSIS DB1 for development and ANASTYLOSIS DB2 for testing) are available to registered participants. Their use is restricted to the fulfilment of the challenge’s objectives and related papers publication.
The datasets are designed to be realistic, natural and challenging for cultural heritage domains in terms of their resolution, diversity in scenes, and pictorial assets. The fragments are obtained from each fresco through a random plane tessellation with suitable statistics (uniform or with a few clusters as shown in the Annex), with an erosion process applied to each fragment.
The dataset for the testing phase (DB2) includes, for each fresco, the image of the original fresco and a set of fragments, resulting from the simulated fragmentation process, to be used for its recomposition.
Acknowledgements. The dataset collection is supported by the Challenge Committee. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the datasets are those of the organizers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.
Citation Information. If you make use of the datasets provided for this challenge, please use the citation for the ICIAP conference and the dedicated “Virtual Special Issue” of Pattern Recognition Letters.
Dataset download
For each fresco you will find: an image of the original fresco and one folder containing a set of fragments - randomly generated - to be reassembled, eventually mixed with spurious elements (PNG files in the folder frag_eroded - each file is a fragment).
Domenichino, The Virgin and the Unicorn, 1602, fresco (Palazzo Farnese, Rome, Italy) - source file: (2400x1983 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) - 600 fragments, including spurious
Federico Zuccari, The Cardinal's hat conferred on Saint Charles Borromeo, 1603-1604, fresco (Salone degli affreschi, Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy) - source file: (3440x2459 pixels, 900 pixels/inch) - 1188 fragments, including spurious
Andrea di Bonaiuto, Allegory of the Active and Triumphant Church and the Dominican order, 1365-1367, fresco, 348,5x570 cm (The Spanish Chapel, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy) - source file: (4851x3816 pixels, 1200 pixels/inch) - 2045 fragments, including spurious
You are requested to provide the SOLUTION, consisting in the image of the original fresco with a grey background, with overlapping coloured fragments, and a list of the co-ordinates of the exact location and orientation of the fragments correctly placed in the reconstructed image. For AI approaches, source code file and corresponding run-time file (possibly with libraries and a README file) must also be provided, together with a PDF file containing a description of the method used. The archive must be sent to daf-challenge-group@unipv.it
Please see the Instructions for file submission at the NOTICE of challenge page.
These images are provided for non-profit purposes and their use is restricted to DAFNE registered participants for the fulfilment of the challenge’s objectives. Image 2 is kindly provided by the Collegio Borromeo, Pavia - Italy; the other images are from Wikipedia, labeled for public domain (as verified on May 31, 2019). Despite every effort to contact copyright-holders, the organizers should be contacted as regards any omissions or errors.
Support and contact
For any questions, please contact: daf-challenge-group@unipv.it