• Pavia, Italy

    Computer Vision and Multimedia

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  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab - Pavia


    See the list of staff, students, and guests. read more

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab


    The group has been active in the University of Pavia since the early 70s, first concentrating on image enhancement and restoration techniques, broadening then to high-level image processing domains. read more

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab - Pavia


    A list of publications is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. read more

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab - Pavia


    A list of Master and PhD thesis is presented.
    You can also find proposals to join the lab! read more

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab - Pavia


    Here are the courses taught by our staff. read more

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab - Pavia


    Workshops, seminars, conferences, reading groups, and a press room presenting the activities of the lab staff is listed. read more

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab


    Dip. Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione, Univ. Pavia
    Via A. Ferrata 5 - 27100 Pavia, Italy
    Tel: +39 0382 985372/985486 - Fax: +39 0382 422583 - Email: web-vision@unipv.it - http://vision.unipv.it

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab



    Bioinformatics is one of the areas of scientific research currently expanding where pattern recognition techniques can found application. For more information please visit the site of the GIRPR Technical Committee in Bioinformatics

  • Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab - Pavia

    Internal Information

    Website available to the staff of the laboratory. read more

    internal information
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About Us

The Computer Vision & Multimedia Laboratory (CVML) has been active in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering of the University of Pavia since the early 70s. The initial research activities of the group concentrated on image enhancement and restoration techniques, with a particular focus on medical imagery. Then the main efforts have been devoted to more advanced image processing functions, involving scene segmentation and shape characterization; a broad background has been acquired on low-level and intermediate-level vision tasks involving grey-level statistics and structural descriptions. Later, a new stream of research has been actively followed in the field of parallel architectures for vision and image processing. The group has meanwhile developed skills in high-level image processing domains, such as the management of knowledge description and learning capabilities for vision tasks.

Research, Projects and Awards

projects and awards

Current research areas include Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Machine and Deep Learning applications, Eye Tracking, Human-Computer interaction, Digital Humanities, and 3D modeling.
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PhD projects

in progress and completed
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Thesis projects / Proposte di tesi

Developing and testing algorithms, eye tracking applications, cloud computing, 3D modeling, gesture interaction, user behavior detection, ... for a full list
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Best PhD thesis, best paper, best student recognition, top 40 under 40, ... for a full list
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Press Room


Latest Events

19 2024 Sept

Virginio Cantoni partecipa alla Presentazione del Telero tattile Lucania ‘61 di Carlo Levi

presso la Fondazione Giorgio Amendola - Associazione Lucana in Piemonte Carlo Levi, a Torino

17 2024 July

Virginio Cantoni apre la tavola rotonda Dalle palafitte all'intelligenza artificiale

presso il Museo delle Palafitte a Molina di Ledro

19 2024 June

Virginio Cantoni partecipa all'evento Hai presente l'AI? Normativa e implicazioni dell'AI Act per ricerca & impresa

all'Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

06 2024 June

Roberto Marmo partecipa a I.A.: anatomia di un avvocato artificiale con l'intervento Intelligenza Artificiale: storia, algoritmi di apprendimeno e decisione, aspetti critici

evento online, organizzato dal Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Alessandria

Latest Projects

CVMLab: some projects - VIDEO, alcuni progetti recenti
Ricostruzione virtuale dell'Arca di Sant'Agostino: la tecnologia digitale per una fruizione innovativa dell’arte con il coinvolgimento degli studenti. Uno sguardo inedito e ravvicinato al monumento che conserva le spoglie del santo, presentato in modo accessibile e interattivo.
3D modeling of Pavia in the 16th century - VIDEOS of virtual tours in Renaissance Pavia
G-B Browser - a Gaze-Based Web Browser with Multiple Methods for Link Selection
Deep Learning techniques for automatic screening of digital slides - for the diagnosis of breast cancer metastases in lymph nodes
HiEdTec - Modernisation of Higher Education in Central Asia through new Technologies
Netytar - a gaze-based Virtual Digital Musical Instrument (Virtual DMI)

