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DAFNE (Digital Anastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE) Dataset — DOWNLOAD PAGE
Anastylosis DB1 — originally used as training set during the challenge
62 frescoes (57 full size, 5 details) — listed by year/author
Fifth century B.C.
Giotto, Adoration of the Magi, 1303-1305, fresco, 200x185 cm (Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy) — source file: (1000x1008 pixels – resolution 300 pixels/inch) — from 108 to 415 fragments — 59 MB
Giotto, Entry into Jerusalem, 1303-1305, fresco, 200x185 cm (Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy) — source file: (1000x941 pixels – resolution 72 pixels/inch) — from 122 to 414 fragments — 60 MB
Giotto, Kiss of Judas, 1303-1305, fresco, 200x185 cm (Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy) — source file: (3371×3287 pixels, 72 pixels/inch) — from 735 to 1825 fragments — 678 MB
Giotto, Lamentation of the Death of Christ, 1303-1305 circa, fresco, 200x185 cm (Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy) — source file: (1000x925 pixels – resolution 300 pixels/inch) — from 120 to 411 fragments — 68 MB
Giotto, Massacre of the Innocents, 1304-1305, fresco, 200x185 cm (Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy) — source file: (2024x2047 pixels – resolution 96 pixels/inch) — from 468 to 1561 fragments — 189 MB
Giotto, Raising of Lazarus, 1304-1306, fresco, 200x185 cm (Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy) — source file: (1000×935 pixels, 72 pixels/inch) — from 153 to 393 fragments — 56 MB
Giotto, Ascension of St. John, 1318-1322 (Cappella Peruzzi, Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2560x1622 pixels, 72 pixels/inch) — from 570 to 1297 fragments — 246 MB
Barna da Siena, The Annunciation, 1340, fresco, (Collegiate Church of San Gimignano, Italy) — source file: (8815x5721 pixels, 600 pixels/inch) — from 1951 to 2642 fragments — 2.2 GB
Barna da Siena, The Annunciation — detail, 1340, fresco, (Collegiate Church of San Gimignano, Italy) — source file: (3910x2692 pixels, 600 pixels/inch) — from 694 to 894 fragments — 599 MB
Andrea di Bonaiuto, Allegory of the Active and Triumphant Church and the Dominican order, 1365-1367, fresco, 348,5x570 cm (The Spanish Chapel, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy) — source file: (4851x3816 pixels, 1200 pixels/inch) — from 1869 to 2484 fragments — 1.4 GB
Giovanni da Modena, The Appearance of the Star, 1412, fresco, (Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna, Italy) — source file: (1195x936 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 141 to 220 fragments — 84 MB
Giovanni da Modena, The Return of the Magi, 1412, fresco, (Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna, Italy) — source file: (1107x770 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 131 to 199 fragments — 59 MB
Giovanni da Modena, Journey of the Magi, 1412-1415, fresco (Cappella Bolognini, Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna, Italy) — source file: (1300x949 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 152 to 408 fragments — 81 MB
Masolino da Panicale, The healing of the cripple and Raising of Tabitha, 1424-1425, fresco, 260x599 cm (Cappella Brancacci, Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2112x1080 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 170 to 833 fragments — 137 MB
Masaccio, The Tribute Money, 1425, fresco, 255x598 cm (Basilica di Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2200x1015 pixels – resolution 300pixels/inch) — from 206 to 818 fragments — 144 MB
Masaccio, St. Peter Healing the Sick with His Shadow, 1425-1427, fresco, 230x162 cm (Basilica di Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci, Florence, Italy) — source file: (810x1200 pixels – resolution 72pixels/inch) — from 101 to 418 fragments — 68 MB
Masaccio, Baptism of the neophytes, 1426-1427, fresco, 230x599 cm (Basilica di Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci, Florence, Italy) — source file: (1915x2427 pixels – resolution 300 pixels/inch) — from 362 to 634 fragments — 247 MB
Masaccio, Raising of the Son of Teophilus and St. Peter Enthroned,1426-1427, fresco, 230x599 cm (Basilica di Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2111x864 pixels – 1resolution 300pixels/inch) — from 245 to 420 fragments — 115 MB
Pisanello, Saint George and the Princess, 1433-1438, fresco, 223x430 cm (Chiesa di Santa Anastasia, Verona, Italy) — source file: (1280x924 pixels – resolution 72pixels/inch) — from 132 to 590 fragments — 78 MB
Fra Angelico, Mocking of Christ, 1438-1440, fresco, 195x159 cm (Convento di San Marco, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2536x3172 pixels – resolution 96 pixels/inch) — from 592 to 2115 fragments — 364 MB
Fra Angelico, Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, 1438-1440, fresco, 151x131 cm (Museo nazionale di San Marco, Florence) — source file: (2536x2962 pixels – resolution 96 pixels/inch) — from 326 to 2196 fragments — 387 MB
Fra Angelico, Transfiguration, 1438-1440, fresco, 189x159 cm (Museo nazionale di San Marco, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2536x3013 pixels – resolution 96 pixels/inch) — from 655 to 2145 fragments — 433 MB
Fra Angelico, The Annunciation,
1438-1447, fresco, 230x321 cm (Convento di San Marco, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2536x3024 pixels – resolution 96 pixels/inch) — from 331 to 1802 fragments — 347 MB
Piero della Francesca, Resurrection, 1450-1463, fresco, 225x200 cm (Museo Civico, Sansepolcro, Italy) — source file: (730x826 pixels – resolution 300 pixels/inch) — from 102 to 163 fragments — 44 MB
Piero della Francesca, Exaltation of the Cross, 1458-1466, fresco, 390x747 cm (Basilica di San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy) — source file: (1239x900 pixels – resolution 300pixels/inch) — from 121 to 539 fragments — 70 MB
Piero della Francesca, Exaltation of the Cross — detail, 1458-1466, fresco, (Basilica di San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy) — source file: (1000x1170pixels – resolution 300 pixels/inch) — from 146 to 558 fragments — 75 MB
Benozzo Gozzoli, Procession of the Youngest King,
1459-1460, fresco, 405x516 cm (Cappella dei Magi, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, Italy) — source file: (1469x1144 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 102 to 730 fragments — 119 MB
Andrea Mantegna, The Martyrdom and transporting the body of Saint Christopher,1454-1457, fresco, (Cappella Ovetari, Chiesa degli Eremitani, Padova) — source file: (1696x1700 pixels – resolution 72 pixels/inch) — from 358 to 1163 fragments — 192 MB
Andrea Mantegna, Camera picta, 1465-1474, fresco, 300x800 cm (Castello di San Giorgio, Mantova, Italy) — source file: (1700x1174 pixels – resolution 72 pixels/inch) — from 197 to 642 fragments — 158 MB
Sandro Botticcelli, Punishment of the Rebels, 1480-82, fresco, (Cappellone degli Spagnoli, Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2048x1269 pixels, 96 pixels/inch) — from 302 to 1200 fragments — 118 MB
Filippo Lippi, Disputation in the Synagogue, fresco, 1452-1465, (Prato Cathedral, Italy) — source file: (1271x770pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 154 to 363 fragments — 62 MB
Filippino Lippi, Disputation with Simon Magus and Crucifixion of St. Peter, 1482-1485, fresco, 230x598 cm (Cappella Brancacci, Basilica di Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2123x821 pixels, 300pixels/inch) — from 391 to 789 fragments — 116 MB
Filippino Lippi e Masaccio, Saint Peter sitting in his chair, 1424-1426 e 1489-1491, (Cappella Brancacci, Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2138x825 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 245 to 760 fragments — 107 MB
Pietro Perugino, Christ Handing the Keys to Saint Peter, 1481, fresco, 335x550 cm (Cappella Sistina, Vatican City) — source file: (2347x1438 pixels, 600 pixels/inch) — from 368 to 1212 fragments — 166 MB
Pietro Perugino, Baptism of Christ, 1482 circa, fresco, 335x540 cm (Sistine Chapel, Rome, Italy) — source file: (2352x1494 pixels, 600 pixels/inch) — from 390 to 1234 fragments — 207 MB
Domenico Ghirlandaio, Slaughter of the Innocents, 1485-1490, fresco, (Cappella Tornabuoni, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy) — source file: (2621x1741 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 323 to 1972 fragments — 298 MB
Leonardo da Vinci, The last supper, 1495-1498, 460x880 cm, (Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy) — source file: (5193x2926 pixels, 72 pixels/inch) — from 511 to 875 fragments — 1.1 GB
Luca Signorelli, The Conversion of Saint Paul, 1477-1480, fresco, (Sagrestia di San Giovanni, Santuario della Santa Casa, Loreto, Italy) — source file: (1451x1224 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 120 to 622 fragments — 117 MB
Luca Signorelli, Benedict Drives the Devil out of a Stone — detail, 1497-98, (Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Asciano, Italy) — source file: (3872×2592 pixels, 240 pixels/inch) — from 542 to 831 fragments — 571 MB
Luca Signorelli, The Damned Cast into Hell, fresco, 1499-1502, (Cappella di San Brizio, Duomo di Orvieto, Italy) — source file: (1010x700 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 134 to 338 fragments — 46 MB
Michelangelo, The Deluge — detail, 1508-1509, fresco, 280x570 cm (Sistine Chapel, Vatican City) — source file: (4459x6751 pixels, 1200 pixels/inch) — from 1242 to 1732 fragments — 2.3 GB
Michelangelo, Ezekiel, 1510, fresco, 355x380 cm (Sistine Chapel, Vatican City) — source file: (2558x3000 pixels, 400 pixels/inch) — from 687 to 1077 fragments — 496 MB
Michelangelo, The creation of Adam, 1512 circa, fresco, 280x570 cm (Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, Vatican City) — source file: (1707x775 pixels – resolution 300 pixels/inch) — from 129 to 566 fragments — 89 MB
Michelangelo, The Last Judgement, 1536-1541, fresco, 13.7 m x 12 m (Sistine Chapel, Vatican City) — source file: (3991x4395 pixels, 72 pixels/inch) — from 1782 to 2417 fragments — 1.1 GB
Tiziano, The Healing of the Wrathful Son, 1511, fresco, 340 x 207 cm (Scuola del Santo, Padua, Italy) — source file: (1000x1275 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 167 to 579 fragments — 74 MB
Raffaello Sanzio, The School of Athens, 1509-1511, fresco, 500x770 cm (Apostolic Palace, Vatican City) — source file: (1280x993 pixels – resolution 72 pixels/inch) — from 218 to 542 fragments — 88 MB
Raffaello Sanzio, The Triumph of Galatea, 1512, fresco, (Villa Farnesina, Rome, Italy) — source file: (2024x2657 pixels, 96 pixels/inch) — from 468 to 778 fragments — 307 MB
Bernardino Lanzani, Saint Anthony protects the city of Pavia during the siege of the French in 1522, 1522-1524, fresco, (Chiesa di San Teodoro, Pavia, Italy) — source file: (2440x2524 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 399 to 1742 fragments — 464 MB
Giorgio Vasari, Paul III Farnese Directing the Continuance of St Peter’s, 1546, fresco, (Palazzo della Cancellaria, Rome, Italy) — source file: (1006x759 pixels, resolution 300 pixels/inch) — from 115 to 398 fragments — 49 MB
Giorgio Vasari, Birth of Venus, 1555-1557, fresco, 691x285 cm (Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Florence, Italy) — source file: (4769x1881 pixels, resolution 96 pixels/inch) — from 695 to 1257 fragments — 528 MB
Giorgio Vasari, Capture of Porto Ercole, 1568-1570, fresco, 610x760 cm (Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Florence, Italy) — source file: (1890x2324 pixels, resolution 96 pixels/inch) — from 397 to 1291 fragments — 270 MB
Paolo Veronese, Figures behind the Parapet, 1560-1561, fresco, (Villa Barbaro, Maser, Italy) — source file: (1100x939 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 128 to 209 fragments — 68 MB
Paolo Veronese, Landscape, 1560-61, fresco, (Villa Barbaro, Maser, Italy) — source file: (754x1500 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 149 to 213 fragments — 72 MB
Luca Longhi, Wedding at Cana, 1580, fresco, (Classense Library, Ravenna, Italy) — source file: (2351x1301 pixels, 200 pixels/inch) — from 350 to 534 fragments — 170 MB
Cesare Nebbia, Pilgrimage of Charles to Turin to worship the Shroud and meeting with the dukes of Savoy, 1603-1604, fresco (Salone degli affreschi, Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy) — source file: (959x1128 pixels, 400 pixels/inch) — from 118 to 526 fragments — 73 MB
Cesare Nebbia, Relocation of the Holy Bodies, 1603-1604, fresco (Salone degli affreschi, Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy) — source file: (4933x3856 pixels – 600 pixels/inch) — from 514 to 999 fragments — 1 GB
Cesare Nebbia, The Plague of Milan, 1604, fresco (Salone degli affreschi, Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy) — source file: (1378x1018 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 128 to 604 fragments — 110 MB
Federico Zuccari, The Cardinal's hat conferred on Saint Charles Borromeo, 1603-1604, fresco (Salone degli affreschi, Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy) — source file: (3440x2459 pixels, 900 pixels/inch) — from 667 to 1073 fragments — 670 MB
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, The Institution of the Rosary, 1737-1739, fresco, 1200x450 cm (Santa Maria del Rosario, Venice, Italy) — source file: (850x1231 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 221 to 420 fragments — 66 MB
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, The Institution of the Rosary — detail, 1737-1739, fresco (Santa Maria del Rosario, Venice, Italy) — source file: (940x1300 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — from 149 to 211 fragments — 77 MB
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, The Banquet of Cleopatra, 1746-1747, fresco, 650 300 cm (Palazzo Labia, Venice, Italy) — source file: (802x1134 pixels, 72 pixels/inch) — from 144 to 380 fragments — 55 MB
Anastylosis DB2 — originally used as test set during the challenge
Listed in order of complexity (from low to high number of fragments)
Domenichino, The Virgin and the Unicorn, 1602, fresco (Palazzo Farnese, Rome, Italy) — source file: (2400x1983 pixels, 300 pixels/inch) — 600 fragments, including spurious — SOLUTION
Federico Zuccari, The Cardinal's hat conferred on Saint Charles Borromeo, 1603-1604, fresco (Salone degli affreschi, Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy) — source file: (3440x2459 pixels, 900 pixels/inch) — 1188 fragments, including spurious — SOLUTION
Andrea di Bonaiuto, Allegory of the Active and Triumphant Church and the Dominican order, 1365-1367, fresco, 348,5x570 cm (The Spanish Chapel, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy) — source file: (4851x3816 pixels, 1200 pixels/inch) — 2045 fragments, including spurious — SOLUTION
All the data in the dataset are provided for non-profit purposes and their use is restricted to research, education and non-commercial purposes. Images of frescoes by Cesare Nebbia and Andrea Zuccari were kindly provided by the Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy; all the other images of frescoes are from Wikipedia, labeled for public domain (as verified on February 27, 2019). Despite every effort to contact copyright-holders, the organizers should be contacted as regards any omissions or errors.