Faculty of Engineering - University of Pavia - a.y. 2013-2014

Prof. Virginio Cantoni

The first exercise - as soon as ready - can also be sent by e-mail.

Last update, 04 December 2013

Lesson 1 - Introduction

Lesson 2 - Visual cues

Lesson 3 - Shape extraction

Lesson 4 - Spatial track

Lesson 5 - Mathematical morphology

Lesson 6 - Spatial track: motion modeling

Lesson 7 - Artificial visual search and Hough transform

Codici esempio:
- C-utilities
- Java-utilities
- example images


PowerPoint presentation of a written report on a project developed during the course and of a paper taken from scientific journals on a subject assigned by the teacher, related to the topics of the course.


Book: "3C Vision - Cues, Contexts and Channels", V. Cantoni, S. Levialdi, B. Zavidovique, Elsevier, 2011
slides shown during the course, available here


- choose one programming language: C, C++, or Java
- do not use toolbox and packages for image processing
- work in a group of 2 people
- write a report (Word or HTML)
- the project can be submitted on cd-rom; please write name and surname of each participant and the academic year
- the project will be evaluated according to: clearness, completeness, results and related discussion
- Structure:
  1. objective of the project
  2. description of the implemented theory including images, drawings, etc.
  3. insert the source code ANNOTATED and compiled with all the necessary to run
  4. insert images before and after the elaboration
  5. comment the results regarding efficiency, precision, computing time, comparison with other solutions, etc.

Contact: (prof. Virginio Cantoni)