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3D modeling of imaginary animals / Modellazione 3D di animali "fantastici"
The 3D transposition of drawings made by young patients of the San Matteo Polyclinic pediatric oncohematology ward is the aim of this project. Starting from 2D drawings of imaginary creatures (combination of parts of different animals) a corresponding 3D model is made, to be processed by a 3D printer and handled to the little designers so they can color it. The object they invented then will be displayed in the hospital rooms and aisles.
This activity is part of the Colla d'Oro / Gold glue project, promoted by Prof. Andrea Pietrabissa (director DEA - Policlinico San Matteo), which is inspired to the Japanese kintsugi technique, which uses pure gold paste to repair broken ceramic objects. The basic idea is that scars do not have to be hidden, but displayed in such a way that, once repaired, they acquire even greater value. Older kids (aged 10 and up) are busy painting 3D heads, while younger kids draw fantastic animals and then color the corresponding 3D printed models, all under the supervision of volunteer art teachers.
The fantastic animals 3D modeling project is carried out by the students of the "Computer Vision" course of the master's degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Pavia - academic years 2018/19 and 2019/2020 - under the supervision of prof. Virginio Cantoni. The 3D prints are made at the 3D4MED, a clinical 3D printing laboratory located in the DEA Pavilion of the Fondazione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia.
Here are some drawings made by the little patients.
From 2D to 3D, here's an example: