Welcome to the Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab website.
Curriculum vitae
Luca Lombardi was born in Cremona, Italy, in 1961. He received the Laurea (cum
laude) in Electronics Engineering from the University of Pavia, in 1986 and the Ph. D. in 1990.
During 1986 he was a contract researcher
for Elsag company (Genova, Italy). In 1990 he was a contract
researcher for IBM SEMEA. From 1991 he held a position as Ricercatore
(Assistant Professor) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pavia.
From 2000 he held a position as Associated Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pavia.
During years 2004-2006 is scientific responsible of the Research Unit of Pavia in the project PRIN "Real-time operating systems for the support of cooperating autonomous robots".
During years 2006-2008 is scientific responsible of the Research Unit of Pavia in the project PRIN "Ambient Intelligence: event analysis, sensor recofiguration and multimodal interfaces".
His fields of interest concern image processing, machine learning and architectures for image processing.
Now he is teaching the courses: Fondamenti di Informatica (Lab) (Computer programming), Operating Systems, Artificial Vision and Network services at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pavia.