Welcome to the Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab website.
Ph.D. Program in Electronics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Course on 3D Computer Graphics
September 2024, Aula Seminari Verde, Floor D
OBJECTIVES: This course aims to give an overview of 3D Computer Graphics (CG) and of its current applications in both research and industry. The course will introduce the theoretical bases of 3D CG and will provide practical exercitations using Unity.
The course consists of 14 hours of theory and practice and a final exam. All lessons will be held in person. To pass the course, attendance of at least 80% of the lessons is mandatory. The course grants 3 CFU to PhD students who pass the final exam.
Main Teacher: Piercarlo Dondi (University of Pavia)
Co-Teacher: Alessandro Gaggia (BeSharp)
Monday 16th September, 10:00 - 12:00
- Lecture 1, Introduction and Rendering Pipeline
- Lecture 2, Geometry, Transformations and Animation
- Lecture 3, Lightning, Shading and Texturing
- Exercitation 1 – Introduction to Unity, 3D environment setup and interaction
- Exercitation 2 – Development of a cross-platform 3D application in Unity
- Exam