New European Thematic Network “Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at anytime anywhere” (FETCH)
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The ETN FETCH is the new ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus Academic Networks) coordinated by University of Ruse (Bulgaria) for the period October 2013 – September 2016 (539461-LLP-1-2013-1-BG-ERASMUS-ENW). Only 7 projects have been accepted for founding from European Commission after a strong evaluation procedure. The consortium includes 67 partners from 35 countries – the list of participants is presented in table 1

The work of the consortium will be based on the rich experience and results achieved by the previous successful networks ECET, DEC and TRICE.

Main Aims

The main aims of the project are the achievement of intelligent growth, and building a knowledge and innovation based computer society through raising the quality of computing education, introducing modern innovative technologies in education, sharing knowledge, discussing methodologies, promoting exchange of good practice between all parties.

Expected Results and Products

The project is expected to produce:

  • A European Strategic Framework for Computing Education and Training (ESFCET 2020), which will form strategies at local and transnational level to enrich computing education in Europe
  • A European Evaluation Framework in Computing Education and Training (EEFCET 2020), which will evaluate the three factors: knowledge, skills and competences, acquired during education and training in computing
  • Recommendations for future digital curricula in Computing Education and Training (DCCET 2020)
  • New didactical theories and learning models for use social media in education
  • Six conferences and six workshops as co-events to the conferences in the field of computing
  • Publication of results in magazines, newspapers, brochure and internet sites


The expected project's impact can be summarized as follows:

  • The project products will be of benefit for all parties in computing education like:
    • University and national policy-makers in Computing education
    • University academic staff who are lecturers/trainers in Computing
    • Bachelor, Master & Doctoral Students of Computing who are currently being trained and those to be admitted in years to come
    • Research institutes and centers in Computing
    • Companies and small and medium-size enterprises in the field of Computing
  • The project will change the methodology of training computer specialists, will apply most modern technologies in education, and will promote closer cooperation between universities, research institutes and industry.