Welcome to the Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab website.
Curriculum vitae
Riccardo Gatti tooks his master degree in computer engineering in september 2007 at university of Pavia and in january 2011 tooks his Ph.D. in electronics,
computer science and electrical engineering.
He is currently collaborator and guest researcher of computer vision lab and digital content analysis lab at the department of computer engineering and systems science of university of Pavia.
He is actively engaged in several research projects involving:
- new methods and approaches for interactive analysis of 3D molecular surfaces;
- algorithms for real-time reconstruction of 3D mesh from stereo and lasercams;
- parallel algorithms on GPU for video, audio and photo editing;
- digital content analysis, image quality and perceptual coding.
For more informations about other activities please visit: www.riccardogatti.it
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2013). "3D protein surface segmentation through mathematical morphology". Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Revised Selected Papers of 4th International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2011, Rome, Italy, January 26-29, 2011. In Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol 273, pp. 97-109). ISBN: 978-3-642-29751-9 (Print) 978-3-642-29752-6 (Online)
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2012) "Analysis of geometrical and topological aptitude for protein-protein interaction". New Tools and Methods for Pattern Recognition in Complex Biological Systems, Nuovo Cimento C, Vol. 35, N. 5, Suppl. 1, 2012.
Maria Grazia Albanesi, Riccardo Gatti, Marco Porta, Alice Ravarelli. (2011). "Towards Semi-Automatic Usability Analysis through Eye Tracking". In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech 2011, Vienna (AT). Jun 16-17, 2011. (pp. 135-141). ISBN: 978-1-4503-0917-2
Invited contributions to Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. Springer. (to appear - Apr 2013). ISBN: 978-1-4419-9864-4
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. "Distance Transform And Travel Depth".
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. "Mathematical Morphology For Protein Surface Modeling".
Virginio Cantoni, Alessandro Gaggia, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. "Concavity Tree for Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis".
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. "Distance transform" (short essay).
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. "Mathematical morphology operators" (short essay).
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2011). "MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF 3D PROTEINS STRUCTURE". In Proceedings of Bioinformatics 2011. Part of BIOSTEC 2011. Roma (IT). Jan 26-29, 2011. (pp. 15-21). ISBN: 978-989-8425-36-2.
Virginio Cantoni, Alessandro Gaggia, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2011). "GEOMETRICAL CONSTRAINTS FOR LIGAND POSITIONING". In Proceedings of Bioinformatics 2011. Part of BIOSTEC 2011. Roma (IT). Jan 26-29, 2011. (pp. 204-209). ISBN: 978-989-8425-36-2.
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2010). "SEGMENTATION OF SES FOR PROTEIN STRUCTURE ANALYSIS". In Proceedings of Bioinformatics 2010. Part of BIOSTEC 2010. Valencia (ES). Jan 20-23, 2010. (pp. 83-89). ISBN/ISSN 978-989-674-019-1.
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2010). "PROTEINS POCKETS ANALYSIS AND DESCRIPTION". In Proceedings of Bioinformatics 2010. Part of BIOSTEC 2010. Valencia (ES). Jan 20-23, 2010. (pp. 211-216). ISBN/ISSN 978-989-674-019-1.
Virginio Cantoni, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2009). "Towards Protein Interaction Analysis through Surface Labeling". In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 2009. Vietri sul Mare (IT). Sep 8-11, 2009. (pp. 604-612). ISBN/ISSN 978-3-642-04145-7.
Luca Bianchi, Piercarlo Dondi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi, Paolo Lombardi. (2009). "Evaluation of a foreground segmentation algorithm for 3D camera sensor". In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 2009. Vietri sul Mare (IT). Sep 8-11, 2009. (pp. 797-805). ISBN/ISSN 978-3-642-04145-7.
Luca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi, Luigi Cinque. (2009). "Relative Distance Method for Lossless Image Compression on Parallel Architectures". In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. VISAPP 2009. Lisboa (PT). Feb 5-8, 2009. (vol. 1, pp. 20-25). ISBN/ISSN: 978-989-8111-69-2.
Luca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi, Luigi Cinque. (2009). "Parallel Lossy Compression for HD Images". In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. VISAPP 2009. Lisboa (PT). Jan 5-8, 2009. (vol. 2, pp. 16-21). ISBN/ISSN: 978-989-8111-69-2.
Luca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi, Paolo Lombardi. (2009). "Tracking without Background Model for Time-of-Flight Cameras". In Third Pacific Rim Symposium Proceedings. Third Pacific Rim Symposium, PSIVT 2009. Tokyo (JP). Jan 13-16, 2009. (pp. 726-737). ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-540-92956-7.
Luca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi. (2008). "The Future of Parallel Computing: GPU vs CELL". In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. GRAPP 2008. Funchal, Madeira (PT). Jan 22-25, 2008. (pp. 419-425). ISBN/ISSN: 978-989-8111-20-3.
Publications on informatics trade magazine
Io Programmo, Feb 2010 - LA PLAYSTATION DICE HELLO WORLD!, IL nostro primo programma per PS3
Io Programmo, Dec 2009 - PROGRAMMARE LA CONSOLE SONY, Installare Linux e iniziare a sviluppare con il processore CELL
Graduation Thesis
Graduation thesis followed as assistant supervisor:
11 Dec 2009 - Fabio Braga: "Ricostruzione di superfici molecolari tramite l'algoritmo Marching Cubes"
24 Apr 2009 - Simone Dagrada: "Analisi di fattibilitá e implementazione di algoritmi di elaborazione audio real-time su hardware grafico"
25 Feb 2009 - Matteo Molinari: "Analisi dell'operazione di convoluzione su architettura CUDA"
18 Jul 2008 - Fabrizio Leonardi: "Elaborazioni 3D su architetture HW non convenzionali: Mesh Refinement su processore IBM CELL BE"
24 Apr 2008 - Piercarlo Dondi: "Decompressione di Immagini tramite Hardware Grafico"