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The best 3D model Contest
Pavia, 10 December 2015
The Award Committee:
COMPUTER VISION course, Faculty of Engineering - University of Pavia
a.y. 2014-2015, Prof. Virginio Cantoni
Virginio Cantoni (University of Pavia)
Giacomo Galazzo (Pavia Municipality)
Susanna Zatti (Musei Civici of Pavia)
Prize: a commercial software license of CINEMA 4D Visualize R17 (1700,00 Euro worth), gently offered by GRM Studio
Students of the Computer Vision course of the Master's degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Pavia, a.y. 2014/2015.
Winners: Carlo Bobba and Alessandro Danani
with the 3D model of Jean De Diesbach
PICTURES of the event, by Nahumi Nugrahaningsih and Haochen Wang.