Prof. Marco Porta
+39 0382 985214


Exam Structure

The exam is composed of: (a) a written test; (b) an optional oral test; (c) a project; (d) for students who have missed more than one laboratory class, a check of works carried out autonomously.

Suggested Study Material

Due to the heterogeneity of the covered topics, there are no official course textbooks. However, this does not mean that lecture slides are sufficient for a successful preparation, unless they are complemented by good notes. On the other hand, the Web is a huge source of information for all the discussed subjects. The following is a list of links to some resources that may be useful (as an integration) for students who have attended the course, and are important for students who have not.

Topic Resources
Images and Graphics
Digital Video
HTML language
Cascading Style Sheets
XML meta-language
Web 2.0
Client-side web technologies (JavaScript)
Server-side web technologies
Some web templates, frameworks, platforms, and libraries
Semantic Web
Virtual reality, augmented reality, telepresence
Web Usability
Web Accessibility

The above proposed links are only some possible resources (among the many) regarding the various topics, and can be replaced with equivalent material if deemed more appropriate. Also, do not forget that the ultimate reference for Web technologies is

Oral Test (optional)

Students who obtain a grade between 16 and 29 in the written test and wish to (possibly) increase it, can take an optional oral examination (on the first working day after the publication of the results of the written test). However, please consider that this additional exam component does not necessarily increase or confirm the grade obtained in the written test.


The project, to be carried out individually, consists of a website complying with some basic requirements (see the project specifications).
The work can result in a maximum increase of two points of the grade obtained in the written/oral tests, and must be presented within three months after the date of the last written test taken.

Check of Laboratory Works Carried Out Autonomously

Students who have missed more than one laboratory class will have to demonstrate that they have carried out the work autonomously. In practice, typically when presenting the project, the student will be required to show and discuss the result files of the missed laboratory classes (except one).

Project Presentation and Grade Recording

When a student has completed the project, he or she has to make an appointment by sending an email to
At least three days before the apppointment, a zip file (named containing all the project files must be sent to (or, if it is too big or cannot be sent by e-mail for security reasons, the file can be shared through Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc.). However, the student should preferably (but not necessarily) present the project on his or her own laptop. In addition, a short report must also be sent along with the project files. The report must be prepared according to the following template, which is available in .docx (MS Word), .odt (LibreOffice), and PDF formats.