This research project arises from the agreement made in Tunis on May 4th, 2005,
in the presence of the former Italian Minister Letizia Moratti, and foreshadows a
consortium of Italian universities
di Pavia, in collaboration with the
Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, and
Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa) and a consortium of Tunisian universities
de Tunis,
la Manouba and
de Sfax) aimed at creating a distributed laboratory focused on the development of
telecommunications infrastructures, human-machine interfaces and applications for
e-learning and collaborative environments.
The main aim of this project is therefore to establish a joint laboratory to exploit complementary expertises of the five institutions involved and enhance their expertise in an advanced research field such as the high performance collaborative grids. Our research project will create a critical mass out of the expertise in telecommunication networks engineering, software and service engineering that are present in the laboratories involved in the project.
This scientific collaboration between Italy and Tunisia is the follow-up of an educational cooperation established since 2003 for the Mediterranean School of Advanced Studies in Media Science and Technology (on the model of the analogous School in Pavia), which aims at contributing to solve the needs for executive personnel in the global scenario of communication and new media.