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With the academic year 1997/98 the University of Pavia will set up the European Schools of Advanced Studies. Each school deals with a specific disciplinary area within which it promotes, organizes and runs one-year Master's-degree courses of intensive type. Every year a decision is taken about the courses to be activated and the respective programmes. Some courses might be established upon the request of external institutions that therefore should contribute to cover the corresponding costs. With the academic year 1997/98 the University of Pavia will start a new set of masters post-graduation covering Multimedia comunications.
The teaching staff will be recruited from both Italian and foreign universities as well as from experts and managers from industry and public administration.
The international character of each school is given by the cooperation of European universities as well as by the participation of foreign members into the Scientific Boards, by the presence of teachers coming from European and extra European countries and finally by the attendance of foreign students.