Distributed Sensor Networks

Today one emerging issue of research on sensor systems and data analysis is that of distributed sensor networks. Wireless technology has recently made possible to connect light and cheap sensor boards together, opening future scenarios like ubiquitous sensing or sentient objects to the most forward looking observers. The terms Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), or more and more often simply sensor networks, are today converging in identifying the technology originally known as motes. From a lexical point of view, it is interesting how sensor networks is progressively coming to denote exclusively the technological area of WSN. A typical sensor node is a small battery powered board including a microprocessor, a memory, a RF transceiver and an antenna. These elements are reduced to the limit of the lowest energy consumption and dimensions to make the sensor nodes ubiquitous and of long-lasting autonomy. Wireless connection facilitates deployment and makes the memory remotely accessible by creating a network layer between the sensors.