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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8897 2014, Biometric Authentication,
First International Workshop, BIOMET 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 23-24, 2014. Revised Selected Papers.
Editors: Virginio Cantoni, Dimo Dimov, Massimo Tistarelli. ISBN: 978-3-319-13385-0 (Print) 978-3-319-13386-7 (Online)
Biometrics (or biometric authentication) refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits. Biometrics is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control and to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.
BIOMET 2014 is intended to provide a forum to present current work and new ideas in this challenging field.
It renovates and continues the Biometrics tradition (2007-2010) of the CompSysTech International Conferences, one of the longest running international conferences in computer science in Bulgaria that started in 2000.
At the same time, BIOMET 2014 is primarily connected with the goals of the IICT-BAS’s AComIn project to disseminate recent advances in Biometrics among the research groups and companies in Bulgaria and Balkan countries as well.
SCOPE & CALL FOR PAPERS. The BIOMET 2014 scope of Call-for-papers includes, but is not limited to, the following subareas:
- Face and facial attributes analysis
- Fingerprints and palm authentication
- Forensic biometrics
- Gait and behavior analysis
- Handwriting and signature recognition
- Iris analysis and eye tracking
- Keystroke dynamics analysis
- Multimodal biometrics
- Odor and scent analysis
- Private biometrics
- Soft biometrics
- Voice recognition and speech analysis
FORMAT. The workshop will feature contributed talks as well as invited presentations. Moreover, feeling that the more informal the better, open and lively discussions and exchange of ideas are solicited. Some panels are allocated to stimulate questions and discussions. Companies are encouraged to participate with demos and posters.
Program Chairs
Virginio Cantoni, University of Pavia - I
Dimo Dimov, IICT-BAS, Sofia - BG
Program Committee
Agre Gennady, IICT, BAS, BG
Alexsiev Kiril, IICT, BAS, BG
Boumbarov Ognian, Tech.Univ. of Sofia, BG
De Marsico Maria, Rome University, I
Dittmann Jana, Magdeburg University, D
Fairhurst Mike, University of Kent, UK
Gluhchev Georgi, IICT, BAS, BG
Hadjitodorov Stefan, IBPBME, BAS, BG
Margenov Svetozar, IICT, BAS, BG
Nappi Michele, Salerno University, I
Nikolov Stavri, Attentive Displays Ltd., Sofia, BG
Ortega-Garcia Javier, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ES
Porta Marco, Pavia University, I
Ribarić Slobodan, Zagreb University, HR
Venkov Pencho, Tech.Univ. of Sofia, BG
Invited Speakers
Massimo Tistarelli, University of Sassari, I
Andrzej Drygajlo, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, CH
Mark Nixon, University of Southampton, UK
Chang-Tsun Li, University of Warwick, UK
Workshop Organization and Scientific Secretary
Alessandra Setti, University of Pavia, I
You can download the BIOMET 2014 Program as PDF.
08:30 - 09:15 Registration 09:15 Welcome message
Session 1: Gait and behaviour analysis
09:30 Invited lecture: Gait and soft biometrics
Mark Nixon (Univ. of Southampton, UK)
10:30 Human classification using gait features
Elena Gianaria, Marco Grangetto, Maurizio Lucenteforte, Nello Balossino (Univ. of Torino, Italy)
10:55 Using mutual information for multi-anchor tracking of human beings
Silvio Barra (Univ. of Cagliari, Italy), Virginio Cantoni (Univ. of Pavia, Italy),
Maria De Marsico (Sapienza Univ. of Rome, Italy), Daniel Riccio (Univ. of Napoli Federico II, Italy)
Aleksandra Chuchvara, Mihail Georgiev, Atanas Gotchev (Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland)
Session 2: Iris analysis
12:00 Iris detection through watershed segmentation
Alessio Ferone (Univ. of Napoli Parthenope, Italy), Maria Frucci (CNR, Napoli, Italy),
Alfredo Petrosino (Univ. of Napoli Parthenope, Italy), Gabriella Sanniti di Baja (CNR, Napoli, Italy)
12:25 Fast iris recognition on smartphone by means of spatial histograms
Andrea F. Abate, Michele Nappi, Fabio Narducci, Stefano Ricciardi (Univ. of Salerno Italy)
12:50 A contourlet transform based for features fusion in retina an iris multimodal biometric system
Morteza Modarresi, Iman Sheikh Oveisi (Islamic Azad Univ., Tehran, Iran)
15:00 Invited lecture: From speaker recognition to forensic speaker recognition
Andrzej Drygajlo (Lausanne Fed. Inst. of Tech., Switzerland)
16:00 Noisy speech endpoint detection using MD feature
Atanas Ouzounov (IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria))
16:40 Appearance-based 3D object approach to human ears recognition
Dimo Dimov (IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria), Virginio Cantoni (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
17:05 3D ear analysis by an EGI representation
Virginio Cantoni (Univ. of Pavia, Italy), Dimo Dimov (IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria),
Atanas Nikolov (IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Session 5: Face and facial attributes analysis
09:30 Invited lecture: Biometrics in Forensics science: challenges, lessons and new technologies
Massimo Tistarelli (Univ. of Sassari, Italy)
10:30 Facial expression classification using supervised descent method combined with PCA and SVM
Agata Manolova, Nikolay Neshov, Stanislav Panev (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
10:55 Human gaze tracking with an active multi-camera system
Stanislav Panev, Agata Manolova, Ognian Boumbarov (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
11:40 Effect of handwriting changes on the possibilities for computerized handwriting examination
Dobrin Nestorov, Detelina Georgieva (RIFSC – MoI, Bulgaria)
12:05 Neural network and kNN classifiers for on-line signature verification
Desislava Boyadzieva, Georgi Gluhchev (IICT-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria)
14:30 Invited lecture: People identification and tracking through fusion of face and gait features
Chang-Tsun Li (Univ. of Warwick, UK)
15:30 Pupil size as a biometric trait
Nahumi Nugrahaningsih, Marco Porta (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
Emad Sami Jaha (King Abdulaziz Univ., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Univ. of Southampton, United Kingdom),
Mark S. Nixon (Univ. of Southampton, United Kingdom)
16:35 On the application of biometric techniques for locating damaged artworks
Andreas Lanitis, Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Anastasios Maronidis (Cyprus Univ. of Technology)
17:00 Multifractal analysis of posturograms of young and elderly persons
Peter Dojnow (IGIC-BAS, Bulgaria)
17:25 Conclusions
Upon the recommendation of the Award Committee a best student paper award will be conferred in recognition of the originality of the research, the quality of the presentation and the contribution to the biometrics developments.
The Best Student Paper Award is sponsored by the Group of Italian Researchers in Pattern Recognition (GIRPR) and consists of a diploma and 500,00 € cash award.
The workshop takes place in the main campus of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in Sofia, in the Hotel "Dom na Uchenia", 50,
Shipchenski Prohod Blvd (see place No.6 on the site map).
Please find a map of the airport and BAS area and some information about the hotels and the associated map.
The registration fees are: academic 120,00 Euro; industrial 150,00 Euro; students 70,00 Euro. For early registration (by June 16th, 2014) a 25% reduction is offered.
For payment modalities please visit the page about registration to BIOMET 2014.
International Workshop on
in the framework of
Advanced Computing
for Innovation

in conjunction with the
European COST Action - IC1106
Integrating Biometrics and
Forensics for the Digital Age
Deadline extended!Paper submission: 30 April 2014 18 May 2014
Notifications: 10 June 2014
Camera-ready due: 30 July 2014
Workshop: 23-24 June 2014
Venue: Sofia (Bulgaria)
Download the BIOMET 2014
Program as PDF.
Download the BIOMET 2014
Call for Papers as PDF.