First Semester
Fri: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Aula 5
Fri: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Aula 5
Introduction [pdf]
Alan Turing (Wikipedia)
Computer chess (Wikipedia)
Shannon, C., "Programming a Computer for Playing Chess", Philosophical Magazine, 41 (314), 1950 [pdf]
BBC2 Horizon, "Out of Control", 2012 [video, on Dailymotion]
D. Silver, et al., "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search", Nature, 529, 2016 [link]
"AlphaGo - The Movie | Full Documentary", YouTube, 2020 [video]
Symbolic reasoning [pdf]
Language, schemas and reasoning
Syllogism (ancient logic) (Wikipedia)
Propositional logic [pdf]
Boolean algebras, formal propositional language and its semantics, satisfiability, entailment
Rules of inference, justified by entailment (Wikipedia)
Entailment and algorithms [pdf]
Turing machine, decision problems, computational complexity, entailment as a satisfiability problem (refutation)
Automated Symbolic Calculus [pdf]
Resolution by refutation, soundess and completeness, computational complexity
First-order logic [pdf]
First-order semantic structures, formal language, variables and quantifiers, satisfaction,
Semi-decidability of First-Order logic [pdf]
Prenex normal form, skolemization, Herbrand's theorem
First-Order resolution [pdf]
Clausal form, unification, resolution method for first-order logic
SLD resolution [pdf]
Horn clauses, SLD resolution, logic programming
Depth-first search (Wikipedia)
Breadth-first search (Wikipedia)
Two Prolog examples that can be executed SWI-Prolog online [link]:
* Re-definition of Prolog append/3 using the function cons/2 [pl]
A note [pdf] describing the trace of an example of SLD resolution with append/3
* Regression to infinity and fairness [pl]
Minimal Models [pdf]
Horn clauses, Herbrand model, implicit database
NOTE: This presentation is an additional resource, provided for completeness.
Plausible reasoning [pdf]
Negation as failure, closed world assumption, deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning
Marco Piastra
Mordechai Ben-Ari, Mathematical Logic for Computer Science (3rd Edition). Springer, 2012
Kevin P. Murphy, Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics, MIT Press, 2023. [Pre-print]